California Bighorn Sheep Lamb Count

California Bighorn Sheep Lamb Count – 7 day Conservation Trip

California Bighorn Sheep Lamb Count from August 10th – 16th 2025. A unique experience to discover the wilderness, connect with nature and contribute to Conservation.

On this 7 day Pack Trip will you will be riding the mountain tops and your horse will bring you to places only the early pioneers have been to.

California Bighorn Sheep is a unique species which is considered at risk. It is important to continuously work on habitat management programs to ensure healthy populations and contribute to Canadian wildlife conservation. Our yearly lamb counts provide mountain sheep viewing opportunities, great insights into population numbers and helps us to shape our conservation efforts.

Spend your days riding your horse across the mountain tops and glassing the slopes for California Bighorn Sheep for mountain sheep viewing opportunities. Record the location, age and sex of all sheep that we see to build up detailed records of the sheep herds to assess annual herd recruitment. Actively contribute to the development of wildlife management practices that help maintain Bighorn sheep populations at a sustainable herd size.

Why are California Bighorn Sheep at risk?

50% of lambs and 20% of yearlings die from starvation, predation (particularly from cougar, wolf and coyote), accident and disease each year. Bighorn sheep frequently contract pneumonia from domestic sheep. While its relatively harmless for domestic sheep, it can be fatal to California Bighorn sheep, mostly lambs and older sheep.

How can we contribute to their conservation and stewardship?

Together with the Chilcotin Ark Institute, Wilderness Trails organizes lamb counts. On each lamb count, we carefully record the location, age and sex of all sheep that we see. This allows us to build up detailed records of the sheep herds to assess annual herd recruitment and assess if lamb death is more likely a cause of predation, disease or due to other reasons. From this, we shape our conservation management practices to help maintain Bighorn sheep populations at a sustainable herd size and contribute to Canadian wildlife conservation.

3 Steps to your unforgettable adventure

If our California Bighorn sheep lamb count is right for you, take our Wilderness Readiness Survey to start the booking process:

Talk with one of our mentor guides

You'll discuss the details & goals of your adventure

enjoy your wilderness adventure with us!

Leave the chaos of city life behind as you reconnect with nature and yourself

Lead Generator

Gain FREE access to our Nature Connection Course today!

All of our programs and courses with our training partner the Wilderness Training Academy are self-directed providing you with information, inspiration and self-reflection prompts for you to put into action. Are you ready to gain free access to your Nature Connection course?
You will:

  • Discover the five benefits of nature available to you right now
  • Receive a daily nature journal and meditation
  • Find a deeper connection to nature and yourself

We offset guests' flight carbon production by investing in sustainable community forest management

5% of each trip supports conservation efforts in the Chilcotin Ark